Fall of Nelson
Fall of Nelson
Fall of Nelson
Location: Nelson
Date: 2281
Result: * Legion victory
* Legion occupies and fortifies Nelson.
Involved Parties
New California Republic Caesar's Legion
Major Joseph Polatli Decanus Dead Sea
NCR Troopers
NCR Guard Dogs
NCR Rangers
Prime Legionaries
Legionary Decanus
Recruit Legionaries
Several soldiers killed and injured, at least three captured. Negligible
Connected Events
Part of:
NCR-Legion War
Battle of Arizona Spillway
Second Battle of Hoover Dam

The Fall of Nelson was a military conflict in 2281.


Nelson was occupied by NCR in an effort to secure a vulnerable stretch of land along the Colorado river, considered by General Lee Oliver to be a significant security gap between Forlorn Hope and Searchlight. The intermediary base was barely set up when the Legion, likely acting upon information provided by their mole at Camp McCarran, invaded the town.


At least a contubernium under the command of Decanus Dead Sea attacked Nelson, surprising the underequipped soldiers stationed there. They swiftly overran the defenses and drove the NCR troopers out. Three soldiers were captured alive and promptly crucified.


By the time the Courier arrives in the Mojave Wasteland, the Legion has a firm hold on the town. Each side periodically sends out a party of skirmishers to try and weaken the other, but neither has any success in capturing territory and the battle lines are static. Because of the battle, morale at Camp Forlorn Hope has reached an all time low. However, morale with the Legionaries at Nelson is high. At Caesar's command, Dead Sea's legionaries are on the defensive, the psychological effect of their presence being seen as too valuable to be risked in a concerted attack on Forlorn Hope.

Between Camp Forlorn Hope and Nelson is a small battlefield littered with dying NCR troopers. Laid near their bodies are frag mines - most likely traps Legionnaires have placed should the Courier or other NCR troopers wander too close to help them. Attempting to talk to them will only have them ask the Courier to perform a mercy killing. Oddly enough, performing a high profile kill upon one will turn both the other dying troopers in the field and the active NCR Troopers within Camp Forlorn Hope hostile.

The Courier may choose to help improve the situation of the NCR at Forlorn Hope. Ultimately allowing Major Polatli to order Sergeant Cooper to mount an offensive and retake the town in the quest Restoring Hope. The size of the force depends on the Courier's actions. Alternatively, the Courier may choose to help Caesar's Legion in the quest We Are Legion, assassinating the officers at Forlorn Hope to strike a far more serious blow to the NCR's morale and organization than Dead Sea's men could manage on their own. When the Second Battle of Hoover Dam starts, if the Courier helped the NCR, then the camp will repel another Legion attack. If the Courier did nothing or completed the quest "We Are Legion", then the camp will be lost again.

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